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  • Key Summer Strategies

    Top-level property awareness is still the lifeblood that feeds demand and bookings. Many properties are doing good numbers over the…

  • COVID Means No More Phone Transactions

    With most of a hotel’s workforce completing their tasks from the comforts of their home offices during the pandemic, this…

  • Competition From Cruises May Increase

    Cruise lines were probably impacted the worst of all industries from COVID-19. Not only did the lockdown force nearly all…

  • Stories1

    The Need To Watch Home Sharing

    Part of the new normal after the Coronavirus has died off will be a great reshuffling of customer behaviors, including…

  • Who’s Pinch Hitting at Your Hotel?

    Understanding a bit of baseball terminology can aid in your post-Covid recovery. This ramp-back-up phase won’t mirror the sudden occupancy…

  • Maximizing Management Software Tools

    Amongst many other operational changes, the pandemic has forced every hotel to drastically ramp up its use of technology. Even…

  • Call Centers Can Help In The Ramp-Up

    While maintaining a lean team to help keep costs down and abiding by the new physical distancing rules, how are…

  • You Must Be Bold For Post-COVID Success

    Now more than ever, everyone should be reminded of the Latin saying, ‘audaces fortuna iuvat,’ translating to ‘fortune favours the…